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Amirah: (click to learn more)

A partnership ministry helping women survivors of human trafficking, is looking for volunteers, once a month commitment. Contact Susan Zwart.


Bee People: (click to subscribe)

Pray for an unreached people group in Southeast Asia. If you would like to receive these daily email prayer requests, please subscribe.  


Be Team International - Afghanistan: (click for more info)

Be Team International works in Afghanistan with national and international partners to improve healthcare resources, service delivery and training capacity while helping hospitals and clinics towards operational and financial sustainability.


Build A Bed: (click to learn more)

At A Bed for Every Child, our mission is to ensure all children have a bed of their own, regardless of their family’s income. That’s why we’re partnering with businesses, schools, and community organizations across Massachusetts to provide beds for children in need


Children's Children: 

Donate year round, new toys or gifts to the children in Boston's Children's Hospital for Christmas. Help families who are unable to shop to provide gifts for their sick children. Contact Kathy Archer for more information.


For HIS Children: (click for more info) 

Provides support for the orphans of Ecuador in the capital of Quito and mountainous region in town of Latacunga.


GOOD NEWS FOR INDIA: (click for more info)

Help needed for this ministry we support to donate $ for a Christian hospital helping with COVID patients. Make checks payable to "FCCOE" identify in the memo line "India donation." 


Harborlight Community Partners: (click for more info)

HCP's mission develops, manages and advocates for quality, service-enriched housing that is affordable and inclusive, collaborating with communities to cultivate just, equitable and sustainable housing opportunities vital to the health and strength of our entire region.  By focusing on the housing needs of underserved populations and creating, preserving and operating, safe, affordable housing with supplemental supportive services, HCP strives to make homes available to all, because everyone deserves a home.


Kijabe Children’s Education Fund: (click for more info)

Provide support for the children of Kenya through education and nutrition. Donations contact Craig or Margot Hammon and/or Dick or Beth Cairns


Kupenda for the Children: (click for more info) 

Provide support for the children of Kenya with disabilities.


My Brother's Table: (click for more info)

The mission of My Brother's Table is to nourish our community every day through hospitality, free meals, and unconditional love. Founded in 1982 MBT, the largest soup kitchen on the North Shore, has provided over


Plummer Youth Promise- Family for Everyone: (click for more info)

Plummer’s mission is to set a standard of excellence that improves outcomes for young people in or at risk of entering state care by deeply engaging youth, families, and the systems that impact them to develop permanent family relationships, skills, and community connections. (Foster care


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