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Our church is led by committees that meet monthly and gather yearly to report to the congregation at our annual meeting in May. All are welcome to attend meetings or you may give your name to the nominating committee before the annual meeting to be voted in as a committee member if you are church member. 


We are responsible for the financial and physical well being of the church. We prepare an annual budget, oversee the maintenance of our building and manage the church's investments.


Recent improvements include the historical bell tower repair, handicap ramp railing painting, and fire sprinkler updates.


More information contact Chairpersons:

Dick Cairns & Dennis Hoover


We are responsible for finding greeters, ushers, and lay readers for our Sunday worship and providing prayer after worship for those in need. We also help to serve communion on the first Sunday of the month.


Our everyday focus is on visiting those in need and holding many in prayer, if you are in need of a visit or prayer please let us know.


We have a Shepherding program where everyone in the church has an assigned Shepherd who will pray for them or be there in any way they can. We celebrate our sheep and shepherds during the summer with a Summer Deacon's BBQ at various shepherd's houses with food, fun, and fellowship!


We want to get to know everyone better with the following offerings; a "Birthday Registry" for all members of our church family, so we can celebrate with you and a "Photo-adddress Book" for you to match names with faces for easier communication during fellowship time and beyond and you can find a driver or a meal if you are in need (look for food & car symbol next to a name).

For more information contact Charirperson:

Sue Bell


We are responsible for finding missionaries locally and abroad for our church to support through prayer and donations. We encourage them to update us periodically through our Missions Moments during our service time and then enjoy fellowship with them after worship to ask questions and learn more. Do to the nature of some of their work translating Bibles or supporting local churches in hostel areas, it is too dangerous to identify them.  To pray weekly for our missions we support locally & globally please click WEEKLY MISSIONS. To learn more about these missions, click on the link of each one listed on the calendar.


We also like to support the youth of our church by providing them with scholarships to summer camps where they can learn more about God in a different setting. 


We embark on multigenerational mission trips periodically, to learn more click on the button below.


For more information contact Chairperson: 

Judson Reis


The women's ministry was originally formed as a vehicle to plan social events for the women. Over the years, the focus has changed and has evolved into a loving, sharing, praying fellowship intended to encompass all the women of the church and an outreach to the community and homeless as well. 


Yes, we do plan events as ideas are shared for meaningful fellowship including our annual women's retreat in October or November, our fall church fair, summer VBS, and our annual Christmas pot-luck brunch & Yankee swap.


Our ministry is inclusive and we welcome anyone who would like to join our church family or to simply rely on us for support and encouragement.     


Our yearly retreat is in the fall in the month of October or November!


For more information contact:

 Pastor Tim


All items can be dropped off at Annie's Food Pantry Box on Pickering Street. You can help by going to the grocery store and picking up extra items each time you go to help our neighbors in need (please do not bring expired or exotic unwanted items that can't be used). Here's a list to help you:

peanut butter, almond butter, chicken, tuna & salmon, canned meats

GF & wheat pasta, pesto & cheese sauces, hard taco shells,

seasoning packets (just add water), dried potato mixes,

GF & regular school snacks, GF & regular crackers, jelly/jams,

pudding, jello, canned or boxed soups & stews & pasta meals (low sodium), GF, healthy, & whole grain cereals (hot & cold),

canned low sodium veggies & tomatoes, low sugar fruit, all kinds of beans, dry milk or non refrigeration non-dairy milk, applesauce,

baby food, GF & regular dry mixes that only require water (cakes, cookies, breads, muffins, pancakes, Bisquick...), juice boxes...etc.


For more information contact:

Susan Zwart


We are dedicated to teaching our children about God's love and sharing God's love. We are led by our Director of Educational Ministry who helps us to look at what we want for our children and at what ages, based on biblical knowledge, main concepts and our church traditions. We provide Sunday School every Sunday @ 9:30 a.m. Family Communion is the first Sunday and Children's Church is open to any child up to age 9 during worship time for all Sundays . We will continue to evolve as our children continue to grow in God! For more information click the "Nursery & Sunday School" button below.


We are also responsible for our "Kick-off Fall" all church, family and friends BBQ/Picnic Fun Day, our winter Christmas Eve Pageant, our spring "Children's Worship Day "(where the children take over all aspects of the service) , and our summer VBS program (for more information click the "VBS" button below).


 "Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him." 

Psalms 127:3 (NLT)


For more information contact Chairperson:

     Tom Griffith




There is a men's weekly bible study held every Tuesday morning.

For more information contact:

Dick Cairns


The yearly retreats have taken place in various retreat centers around New England. They take place from Friday to Sunday, with a speaker, discussion groups, activities, great food and fellowship! Our yearly retreat is in the month of April!

For more information contact:

Pastor Tim


The men also take on projects to help those in need with chores, major and minor repairs and odd jobs. If you know of a need or would like to help with your talents, you are welcome to join in.


For more information contact:

Dick Cairns

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Periodically we gather up and clean out to have a yard sale for the community along with a bake sale to help them shop! Want to join in the fellowship & fun?

For more information contact:

Susan Zwart or Leslie Burns (yard sale), Lisa Cleverdon (bake sale)

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